ZHDK, 2017
Written & Directed by Yasmin Joerg
In her twenties, Pippa was an Italian telenovela star. Now in her forties, she desperatly tries to become a famous actress again. Focused on her career,
Pippa didn’t keep in touch with her daughter Luna (22) for many years. Her world starts to crumble, when Pippa unexpectedly meets her daughter again.
Linda Cerabolini
Sylvie Marinkovic
Michael Neuenschwander
Matthias Hungerbühler
Marco Zbinden
Oliver Stein
Lisa Maria Bärenbold
Marie-Anne Hafner
Dorothée Reize
Elsa Langnäse
Jürg Plüss
Antonin Wittwer
Livia Rita
Maria Fitzi
Davide Romeo
Zoë Holthuizen
Manuel Zuber
Produced by Tilt Production & ZHdK
more Information:
Underexposed film festival, south carolina
19. Landshuter Kurzfilm Festival in Landshut, Germany
LISFE - Leiden International Short Film Experience, Netherlands
Bolzano Film Festival in Bolzano, Italy
16. intl. Kurzfilmnacht Zürich, Switzerland
12. River Film Festival in Padua, Italy
47. Sehsüchte Festival in Berlin, Germany
53. Solothurner Filmtage in Solothurn, Switzerland
21. Intl. Kurzfilmtage Winterthur 2017
"Best Student Film" at Underexposed Filmfestival YC